Three Dimensional graffiti
I like to create in stone and metal with the aesthetic and activity of graffiti. I feel new urban aesthetics have yet to be explored in three-dimensional timeless materials. Graffiti is seen as a sore upon society, but the action of individual mark making dates back to pre-historic cave paintings and is the epitome free-expression. By utilizing durable materials within the graffiti paradigm, my works invite others to leave their mark upon my sculptures. This action breaks the sanctity of the art object and truly makes the work public, giving it life, and allowing it to change while also enduring time. Instead of some compositional arrangement in steel or stone to be maintained in its original beauty, I seek to create public works that allows anyone to alter the surface. As the times and people change, so does the artwork, as if it is possessed by the people and space it inhabits. It is this interactivity of allowing sculpture to be affected by other peoples’ energy and enlivening the work that I find engaging.
Make Time - cast Iron graffiti bench
All Images, Concepts, & Creations are protected under Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990
Copyright Ira Hill 2014
Copyright Ira Hill 2014